Veganuary has been taking place this month, providing an opportunity for meat-eaters and vegetarians alike to experience being vegan for a month- and while to some veganism may seem like the [...]
Dry January has been an opportunity for all of us to cut our liver some slack by abstaining from alcohol after a potentially alcohol-heavy Christmas period. However, cutting out alcohol for a [...]
Here at Strand on the Green we do more than just dentistry- Dr Kate Hughes also offers cosmetic non-surgical treatments to make you look and feel years younger! Don’t be put off by our status as [...]
It’s not just about aesthetics There are numerous reasons as to why you should consider straightening your teeth. The most obvious is down to aesthetics. Many people simply want to be able to [...]
As we approach the end of Stroke Awareness Month we wanted to make you aware of the association between poor oral health and the increased likelihood of having a stroke. According to researchers [...]
November is Mouth Cancer Action Month organised by the Oral Health Foundation with the aim of getting more mouth cancers diagnosed at an early stage by increasing education of the risk factors, [...]
The first thing I should state before this article is that I don’t have a vendetta against smokers. The reason I post so many articles on the topic is that, as a dentist, I directly see the [...]
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