Teeth whitening: the safe way to a whiter brighter smile
Just like having a new haircut or buying a new outfit, teeth whitening can make a huge difference to how you look and feel. Carried out by a dentist, it is a perfectly safe treatment that makes you look great and gives your confidence a boost.
New laws teeth whitening laws to protect patients
Over the past few years teeth whitening services have started to pop up in shopping centres, hairdressers and beauty salons. New laws are imminent to protect patients from the health hazards of having this dental treatment from non-professionals. Once they are passed, it will be illegal for non-dental professionals to perform teeth whitening.
How teeth whitening works
There are two methods of teeth whitening:
- Your dentist fits you with plastic moulds, which you fill with whitening gel.
- In addition to this, a laser treatment can be carried out by the dentist. This treatment has been temporarily suspended while the new legislation is being clarified.
What are the dangers of going to a non-dental professional?
- The plastic moulds need to fit perfectly. If the solution leaks out, you’re in danger of swallowing it or getting your gums burnt. Fitting them requires knowledge of anatomy. This is part of a dentist’s training and a part of his or her every day work. Many non-professionals don’t have this knowledge.
- If you already have dental problems such as a lost filling or bad gums, the solution used in teeth whitening can cause further decay and damage. Spotting these problems is straightforward – but only when you have dental expertise and equipment.
So if you want to treat yourself – or a friend – to a whiter brighter smile, your local dental surgery is the place to go.