Urgent Practice Update
The Prime Minister announced on Thursday 12 March 2020 that we have moved from the containment phase to the delay phase.
In particular, there is a case definition of continuous cough and / or high temperature and the Prime Minister confirmed that the advice to self-isolate will now extend to the whole household where one member has such symptoms. He also announced the introduction of new social distancing measures, including the identification of a cohort of our patients who are most at risk the advice to whom will be to stay at home.
In summary:
- specific guidance on when to isolate for 7 days versus 14 days can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-guidance-for-householdswith-possible-covid-19-infection
- travel history is now irrelevant
- anyone with these symptoms who is WELL can stay at home and does not need to engage with NHS111 or be tested.
- anyone with these symptoms who is UNWELL should go to NHS111 online first for advice, rather than approaching their GP practice or pharmacy
We are only going to be seeing emergency patients so that we can reduce the risk of spread. Anyone who is in the vulnerable group or has Covid-19 infection or are displaying any symptoms must stay at home and call 111. There will be some special centres opening who will have the appropriate equipment to deal with these patients.
If you are well and not displaying symptoms and are not in the vulnerable group we would advise that you email or call us at 8.30 or in the morning so that we can give you telephone advice or make an appointment for you to be seen by the dentist.
Thank you for you cooperation in these difficult times, advice is changing on a daily basis, so please keep checking our website for updates.
Best Wishes
Strand on the Green Team