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What are your options when you have missing or damaged teeth? Many will opt for dentures, which can be the most convenient and cost-effective solution in the short-term. Dentures after all are much better than they used to be – we are now able to match the colours used for the teeth and gums much more closely to your natural tooth and gum colour. They support the face structure effectively and they are easy to adjust. They will last for 3-6 years if they are well looked after. All sounds appealing, doesn’t it?

However, if you like the idea of replacing your damaged or missing teeth with a far more long-term solution that will look, feel and act like your normal teeth, an implant may well be your best bet.

What is a dental implant?

An implant will be carried out here at the practice under local anaesthetic. A common and straight-forward procedure, a titanium implant is inserted directly into the jawbone. The bone will then adapt to the screw, growing around it naturally and locking its position. The implant is designed to replicate the natural tooth root; therefore, this technique helps to preserve the bone and gum tissue. When a crown is then attached to the implant, it feels secure, just like a real tooth.

They will look, act and feel like your normal teeth
An implant will give the impression of a natural, regular tooth, as well as utilising your natural gums. They also function just as a normal tooth would. Dentures can feel bulky in your mouth before you get accustomed to wearing them, but implants will immediately feel like your natural teeth and will leave your speech unaffected. You will be able to enjoy and fully taste a wider range of food compared to denture-wearers as your upper palate will remain untouched, ensuring that thousands of taste buds are unaffected.

Unlike dentures, which are removable but must be meticulously cleaned every night, implants remain rigidly fixed in position by the jawbone and are cared for in the same way that you would your own teeth – through regular brushing and flossing. They can also help prevent neighbouring teeth from moving out of position as the implants actually preserve the bone and gum tissue from shrinking. The forces produced from chewing work to continually stimulate these tissues, just as your own real teeth would.

A long-term solution
When implants are properly cared for, they will last for many years if not decades. Dental implants really can be the most aesthetically pleasing, natural solution for patients who have lost their teeth and do not want dentures.

We can lend a hand
We understand this is a decision that won’t come lightly, but our fully trained staff here at Strand on the Green are here to help you reach a solution that works for you. If you would like to research your options in more detail, we are more than happy to assist you.

Please Click Here for more information, or feel free to call the practice on 020 8995 0298 to discuss further or book a consultation.

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