At Strand on the Green Dental Practice we like to keep you informed on general health issues which can influence your dental health. Considering recent research regarding a higher chance of tooth [...]
The first thing I should state before this article is that I don’t have a vendetta against smokers. The reason I post so many articles on the topic is that, as a dentist, I directly see the [...]
At Strand on the Green Dental Practice we promote a healthy lifestyle and always encourage beneficial choices in nutrition. Over the years we have seen many public health issues rise to [...]
Recent figures have revealed that over 40,000 children per year are having rotten teeth extracted in hospitals across the U.K. and doctors have even christened the trend “the costly scourge of [...]
We are delighted that Dr Kate Hughes has launched a Facial Aesthetics day at the practice and is already helping make patients look and feel younger. One of the questions she is asked is why [...]
Are your teeth stained or discoloured? Have you been considering teeth whitening for an upcoming event in order to brighten your smile. Until the end of May 2017 we are offering a FREE 30 minute [...]
Did you know that you could receive a free facial aesthetics consultations at Strand on The Green Dental Practice? During this appointment we will evaluate your suitability for muscle relaxing [...]
One of the things we get asked about most often is crooked teeth. Thanks to movies and television there was always a rather unfavourable impression given of braces and I’m sure most of us can [...]