The simple way to stop excessive sweating
If you are one of the 3 in 100 people who suffer from excessive sweating, parties, work functions and even meeting people and shaking their hands can be embarrassing. Did you know that a dentist can put an end to your sweating worries with a few safe, painless injections?
What does the treatment involve?
The treatment is similar to that used in treating wrinkles and involves a series of small painless injections in the areas requiring treatment (usually the arm-pits, palms or forehead). It takes around 30 minutes.
How does it work?
It blocks the nerve endings. Over the course of 6-8 months new nerve endings grow to replace them.
Does it hurt?
Fine needles are used so it is barely felt. Armpit skin is thin so you feel nothing more than a tiny sting. With the forehead too the effect is minimal. Palm injections are slightly more uncomfortable.
How quickly will I stop sweating and how long does it last?
The treatment starts to take effect within 2-4 days, and lasts for 3 to 5 months.
Is it safe?
Yes. These injections have been used for wrinkle treatment since the 80s and are licensed in the UK. Dr Kate Hughes is fully trained in this procedure.