Poor oral health can increase your risk of Breast Cancer threefold
In our frequent blogs, we cover articles which highlight the link between dental health and general health. Previously we have covered topics including heart disease, strokes and mouth cancer.
This month there has been research released which indicates that gum disease increases women’s risk of breast cancer up to three times. Most of the links we have covered, and this one is no exception, involve bacteria which causes inflammation in the mouth entering the bloodstream via the gums.
We find this research most startling when paired with the fact that over 50% of people in the UK are reported to have gum disease, either at an early stage or the more advanced stage of periodontal disease.
The research was carried out in Brazil and other risk factors were removed or matched (like smoking, alcohol consumption and obesity) and the results provided clear evidence that women with gum disease were three times more likely to have breast cancer.
So, what should you be doing to negate this risk?
It goes without saying that if you see any signs of blood when you brush or rinse then you need to see Eva, our hygienist, urgently. Yet, many people with bad breath don’t realise that it can also be one of the first signs of gum disease.
If you have gum disease you may need to see Eva every three months until she has the issue under control, however, she will do more than simply carry out scaling and polishing. She will give you advice on diet, brushing and keeping your mouth health.
With this research, and the research on other general health risks from poor oral hygiene, isn’t it worth spending a little time each day to protect your health?